I'm a third-year undergraduate student at the University of Virginia studying Computer Science and Entrepreneurship. I love the creative and problem-solving aspects of software development and strive to write clean and performant code.
My interests within the field of software engineering include web application development, programming languages, data visualization, and functional programming.
An interactive web application that visualizes electric scooters in Louisville, Kentucky.
Users can view individual scooter trips by clicking on the markers on the map and use sliders to change the day of the week and the time of day, automatically updating the line graph that shows scooter trips over time on a given day. I built this application as a part of the final project for my Data Visualization class in Spring 2019.
View projectA program that converts your Instapaper bookmaks into audio files.
Instaloud is a small program written entirely in the Hy Programming Language (a Lisp dialect embedded in Python). It downloads your saved bookmarks from Instapaper and converts them into mp3 files using Google’s Text-to-Speech API.
View projectA modern, digital approach to Triage. My group won a Top Ten in Category award out of hundreds of participandts at MedHacks 2018
TriTag is an efficient patient marker and tracking system for patients in Emergency and Mass Casualty events. It consists of three steps: 1) Initial assessment and assignment of severity and hash code, 2) HIPAA - compliant cloud database of important medical data for remote retrieval, and 3) ambulatory tracking of patients through cloud database.
View projectPython is the programming language I'm most comfortable with and I use it extensively. Its library ecosystem is great and I like the addition of optional static type hints in Python 3. Whenever I need to write a small script or program, it's usually in Python.
I've used Python in:
Javascript is the second programming language I learned. Its syntax isn't the nicest but it's familiar and I love how easy it is to do functional programming, especially with ES6. React is my favorite front-end framework and it makes web development so much easier to reason about.
I've used Javascript in:
Java is one of those languages I have to deal with because it's everywhere. The JVM is great technology but I'm personally not a fan of the language itself. I've written enough Java code where I can use it pretty comfortably—its standard library of data structures is useful and sometimes I'll reach for Java over Python in interviews because of this.
I've used Java in:
OCaml is one of my favorite languages right now. I learned a bit of Standard ML in my Progamming Languages course and figured OCaml would be worth learning since it's used in industry. The combination of strong static typing and type inference makes it possible to write code that is terse, expressive, and safe. Its integration with Emacs is also pretty impressive.
I've used OCaml in: